Counsellor | Life Coach
Hoppers Crossing
Mindfulness is like a mental exercise that helps you stay focused on the present moment.
It's about paying attention to what's happening right now, without judging it or getting caught up in worries about the past or future.
Imagine you're sitting by a river, watching the water flow past. When you're being mindful, you're fully immersed in the experience of watching the river. You notice the sound of the water, the feel of the breeze on your skin, and the sights and smells around you. You're not thinking about what you need to do later or dwelling on something that happened yesterday – you're simply being present with the river.
In everyday life, mindfulness means bringing this same kind of focused attention to whatever you're doing – whether it's eating, walking, talking to someone, or even just breathing. It's about tuning in to your senses and your surroundings, and letting go of distractions and worries.
When you practice mindfulness regularly, it can help you feel calmer, more grounded, and better able to handle stress. It's like giving your mind a break from all the noise and chatter, and allowing yourself to just be in the moment.
Some Benefits of Mindfulness & Meditation
Reduce stress
Alleviate anxiety or depression
Build self-awareness
Develop emotional regulation skills
Grow in self-compassion
Feel more present and connected to self and others
Achieve peak performance
Sharpen cognitive functions
Grow in mental, emotional, and spiritual health
Gain a true sense of happiness & peace
Let's say you're at your desk working on a project. Take a moment to pause and notice your surroundings. Feel the weight of your body in the chair and the sensation of your feet on the floor. Take a few deep breaths, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest.
Now, bring your attention to your current task. Notice the feel of the keyboard under your fingers or the pen in your hand. Pay attention to the words on the screen or paper, and the thoughts and ideas flowing through your mind as you work.
If your mind starts to wander or you notice yourself getting distracted, gently guide your focus back to the present moment and the task at hand. Remember, it's natural for your mind to wander – the key is to gently bring it back without judgment.
By practicing mindfulness in this way, you can bring a sense of calm and clarity to your workday, helping you stay focused, productive, and less stressed.
“How we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the character of our experience, and therefore, the quality of our lives.” –